Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hakuna Matata! It means no worries!

Steven looked up online that there was a Masai Market on Tuesdays so, after checking in to our hotel, we went. We were greeted with handshakes and quickly had 5 tour guides to take us through the market. Their catch phrase of the day was "hakuna matata" for sure! :O)

Pictures were free, so we snapped this one with a few of our entourage.

We put many items in our "maybe" bag until we dwindled it down to the final picks and then bartered from the original quote of over $400 (pi-shaw!) down to a drastically lower price that was somewhat reasonable... we think. :O)

To speed up the bargaining process, I (Bekah) pretended to be sick. Riverside Children's Theater pays off!

Here is the crown jewel of the collection of items we purchased.

It's an animal party! :O)


  1. I admire your bravery! The thought of going through there with so many guides and then bartering . . just makes me want to run. (I'm thinking Dave might feel the same way.) :) I love what you got - Bekah you'll have to show me a little of your acting chops next time we're together.
    love you!

  2. This looks like so much fun. I love your selection of the animal party and the greeting of hakuna matata is so cool. I am impressed that Rebekah acted sick to get prices down. I am such a sucker and would have paid full price. Graham loves to barter but I feel sorry for the people so Graham has to send me away. You two make an awesome team. Your holiday adventures really are what memories are made of. Stay well!
