Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Switzerland Drama!

So, I must say, Switzerland and I did not get along there for a while. First, we couldn't get passport stamps at either the Italian side, nor the Swiss side of the border! Second, they charged me an arm and a leg for an annual driving sticker for the car... even though we were only going to be driving through their country for a couple hours! Third, they wouldn't let us take a picture of the border crossing!

But, after that was all said and done, and I drove a while and calmed down a bit... we started to enjoy the scenery a bit more. And there was some scenery to enjoy.

Also, in retrospect, after driving their "toll roads" which I had to buy the sticker for, I would have paid twice as much to drive through all those tunnels rather than driving over all those mountains! But seriously, they should look into a day pass.

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