Friday, June 3, 2011

Via Dolorosa!

This is the way of pain... Jesus carried the cross for us on down this road! Well, down the road that lies beneath this modern road.

There is a church built in the area that used to be Antonio's fortress where Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, whipped, and given the cross to bear.

On the floor that was the courtyard of Antonio's Fortress is etched the game of "kings." This was a game played by the Roman Centurians which would help them decide which of the prisoners they would make a king by giving them a "crown" and extra punishment. My heart sank as I heard this.

In the corner of the room, the ancient road begins. The very "Via Dolorosa" that Jesus carried the cross on. This was one of the most powerful moments of my (Steven's) life.

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